Thursday, February 2, 2012


We are so, so lucky to have my Oma, Papa, and Gigi Gerre in our lives. We are over at Oma and Papa's house for one reason or another almost every day of the week and Gigi Gerre watches Cece usually once a week. Cece LOVES the attention!

I know that she is a very bright spot in Oma and Papa's day - you should see Papa's face when he talks about her. And when she is there, he just looks at her with this pride - it's so awesome. Sometimes, Cece will just walk up to Oma while she's sitting in her chair and raise up her arms and Oma will pick her up just for a quick snuggle. It's so sweet. And so wonderful that Cece will share her snuggles bc sometimes...she's just not in the mood!

Gigi Gerre is probably Cece's best friend (next to Kennedy, of course :) They will play and play and play until eventually, Cece passes out from exhaustion. She gets in the BEST naps whenever she has a play date with Gigi Gerre. A few weeks ago, Gigi told me they spent "at least an hour" in the bedroom - Gigi throwing Cece on the bed, and Cece just laughing and laughing and wanting more. Who can say that their GREAT grandma spent an hour with them THROWING them on a bed?! Cece sure can!! How lucky we are!

Here are some pics of Cece with her Great Grandparents - they are a little grainy, as I am taking most of them with my phone camera and these days it's hard to get Cece to stay still for very long!

Cece sitting on Oma's chair - a daring move. But as you can see, Oma doesn't mind :) 

A snuggle moment caught on camera - everyone just needed a hug for a minute. 

 Oma knows how all of the toys work!

Gigi Gerre and Cece getting ready for a play date!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Currently I am OBSESSED with the site "Pinterest" - I am finding the coolest DIY ideas for the wedding (November 24, 2012) You can follow me on their site, but I probably will share a lot of my decided details on this blog.

At first, the thought of planning everything was SO overwhelming I did go to bed several nights not sure if I even wanted to have one. But finally things started coming together, and it's actually gotten to the fun part!

For instance, I found these awesome paper flowers that caity, myself and hopefully a few more friends/family I can enlist :) are going to make for the bouquets/decorations:

I also really want to make my own photo booth. The first time I saw one was when my cousin Rachel got married and the pictures turned out SO AWESOME

I'm fairly certain I can figure out a way to do it myself (with the help of the internet!) - the biggest expense of the whole idea seems to be the camera, and luckily I already have that. Now I just need to decide on good lighting and a backdrop. A really cool idea that a lot of photo booth "professionals" use is printing out pictures right after they are taken, so the guests have something to take home with them. An idea I like even better about the printer availability is printing the pictures out to adhere to blank pages of a guest book and the guests can sign near or around their own photos. Keeping my eyes peeled for a good, photo-quality printer!!

These are just two of the many wedding ideas I have swirling around in my head, at what seriously seems to be like ALL TIMES! I am excited to be getting it all done early, though. We are coaching Taylor's softball team over the summer and so far, I'm playing once a week. It's going to be too busy to worry about all of those little details!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Favorite Photos

Now that I'm a "blogger" - I keep thinking of things I want to share!

Here is one of my favorite photos of Cece before bath time:

just testing the water!

Cece's first "real" day in Wisconsin SNOW

I call it the first "real" day because Cece was indeed around last year for a ginormous snowstorm that we had (20 inches, crazy) however, she was just a baby. This year I was lucky enough to remember to document her during her first cautious, then shortly thereafter, hilariously playful steps into the white powdery stuff. It was a wicked cold snowy day, not what I expected (usually when it's the pretty fluffy stuff it's above zero...but not that day!) and I had to go inside after about 20 minutes of pulling Cece around in her sled - MY hands were frozen! She was having a great time and I swear, could not feel the blistering cold. She had even been eating snow off of her little mittens and when we went inside and I checked, her little fingers were still warm! Cece can hang in the Wisconsin Winter - I think we may have a lil' hockey player on our hands (& Rudy's pretty excited about it)!!

 Let's do this Mom!

What the heck is this stuff???

 Ohhh, i'm starting to like it....

It's awesome! And it tastes good too!